Development Finance Institutions

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the development bank of the European Union and is owned by the EU Member States. It is one of the largest supranational lenders in the world. The EIB finances and invests through equity and debt solutions projects that achieve the policy objectives of the European Union through loans, guarantees and technical assistance. The EIB focuses on the areas of climate, environment, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), development, cohesion and infrastructure; Indeed, the EIB is one of the largest financiers of green finance in the world. 

The EIB contemplates, among its sectors, the financing of "solid waste management"; provides long-term financing and technical assistance to public and private waste management projects, both within the EU and worldwide, in line with the objectives of the EU sectoral policy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) .

The KfW Development Bank is a development institution with financial expertise, expert knowledge of development policy and many years of national and international experience; funds and supports programs and projects that primarily involve public sector actors in developing countries and emerging economies, from their conception and implementation to monitoring their success. Its aim is to help our partner countries fight poverty, keep peace, protect both the environment and the climate, and shape globalization properly.

KfW Development Bank funds projects that contribute to the mitigation of climate change, for which it considers "solid waste management" as a determining factor; At the same time, they alleviate the impact on the environment caused by the increasing consumption of resources and the accumulation of waste, as a result of better living conditions and income.

he Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group finances, accompanies and accelerates transitions towards a more just and sustainable world. climate, biodiversity, peace, education, urbanism, health, governance; its teams are involved in more than 4,000 projects in overseas territories and in 115 countries. In this way, they contribute to the commitment of France and the French to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

AFD has been operating in the solid waste management sector since the early 2000s. In the last five years it has intensified its operations in response to the growing global awareness of the need to act in this sector. AFD promotes a differentiated and adapted approach and thus supports the structuring of sectors, from waste production to final treatment, improving health, social and environmental conditions.

FMO, the Dutch public-private development bank, supports the sustainable growth of the private sector by investing in companies, projects and financial institutions in emerging and underserved markets. Founded in 1970, FMO is now present in 85 countries, including some of the world's most complex business environments.

FMO funds long-term projects that boost economies, promote the transition to a low carbon system and safeguard energy security. Sanitary landfills, which cause 14% of global methane emissions, represent an important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere, therefore, projects related to the management and treatment of solid waste are financeable.

The Nordic Development Fund (NDF) is the joint international financial institution of the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. NDF focuses on the nexus between climate change and development in low-income countries and countries in fragile situations. Since the introduction of the climate mandate in 2009, NDF has built a track record of adding value by financing climate adaptation and mitigation projects in close interaction with its extensive network of strategic partners.

The Nordic Development Fund (NDF) grants financing to initiatives aimed at promoting the Circular Economy, to mitigate the effects of climate change, among which are projects linked to the management and energy recovery of solid waste.

The International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector. IFC helps developing countries achieve sustainable growth by financing investments, mobilizing capital in international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments.

IFC supports projects across the entire waste value chain, from upstream industry/population to downstream disposal and energy use. Through investments (corporate and project financing, seed capital, and access to concessional funds) and advisory services, IFC supports an integrated approach to solid waste management, with regional strategies to achieve economies of scale and reduce costs.


Ave Primat Reig, 129 46020 Valencia. Spain
